How Intuition Enhances Our Lives

Our Inner Guidance of Intuition
Listening to our inner guidance can not only enhance our lives, it can absolutely save it. Many people have experiences that involve acting on something because of a “feeling” or a dream in which there was a clear message. In many cases, they were correct. Sometimes anxiety and fear can cause confusion as to which is an actual message or possibly just imagination. Learning to be still so that we can hear the psychic connections in their true transmission is very important.
Our spiritual connections need clearing to function properly. If we feel a lot of internal noise and issues surfacing on a regular basis, it is a good idea to examine how we can effectively take steps to help in healing past hurt and trauma. Clearing out the spaces in our hearts helps us to accept new ideas, people, and places. Our ability to connect with spirit will become brighter, our tone lighter, and our purpose clearer. This sustains our lives.
Validation and Visualization Have Their Purpose
Validation and trust happen over time, and we can reacquaint with our higher selves. It is part of our evolutionary process as humans to understand how these energies heal and communicate with us. This is what we truly need to know to be happy and healthy during our time on Earth. How we visualize assistance is unique to each of us. It may be through prayer and religion. It may be through yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, and energy healing. In each of these choices there is a connection to source, love, energy, and guidance.
Episodes of déjà vu allow us to know the energy of this experience. It feels like time slows down, or maybe even stops. The experience of climbing up to the top of a mountain range can elicit the feeling of having a thousand souls joining with you at the top. The energies of loving souls who have lived here and elsewhere, maybe other planets, are filled with knowledge they love to share. When our connections are flowing with energy from the higher frequencies, we can share in miraculous events.
Intuition and Positive Visions Feeds Synchronicity
Our psychic senses are alive inside our third eye centers which operate in unison with our crown chakra and pineal gland to help bring us information. This information comes in as visions of people, places, and things along with words, spoken or written, sounds, and smells. When we are in harmony with our metaphysical talents, it becomes like second nature to consult our intuitive tools to keep things flowing well.
When we are in the flow of positive energy our close, personal connections can feel, hear, and see us in all our spiritual beauty. Synchronicity becomes a common occurrence. Decision making is easier when we begin to trust our senses more. The thoughts and feelings we dismiss previously are heard on a deeper level as we seek out ways to heal and sustain our lives as we grow and mature.
The future can be a manifestation of our best thoughts and intentions. These work together in the higher frequencies if we continue to keep the vision alive. There will always be challenges, misunderstandings, and fear of what we can intuit without physically being able to see. But, as we evolve into our true selves as conscious beings, we will gain courage to realize our potential.
Sharing Intuition and Our Spiritual Senses
We can learn to share energy instead of demanding it or competing for it. Our intuition helps us with our integrity and decision making. It brings us hope, connection, and inspiration. There can be incredible moments of clarity and insight just when it is needed. We learn and nurture our spiritual senses by discovering and nurturing them throughout our lives. When we listen and truly hear the supportive guidance offered in unconditional love, it reveals the beauty of our souls.

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.