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Healing the Past, Manifesting the Future

Healing the Past, Manifesting the Future

by Judi Lynch

Wherever we are in the personal timelines we are now living on Earth, we accumulate a lot of past events and emotions in our process of evolvement. These events are part of our spiritual DNA, the core of our soul’s purpose and life themes. How we heal or don’t heal from it all is up to us. It is a measure of our courage, our faith, our ability to accept that there are forces out there that heal and sustain us as well as challenge and test us. The timelines we create here are completely necessary in healing the spirit and the emotions that are attached.

The human brain takes time to process the spiritual evolution that has been taking place. We need time to understand the metaphysical happenings and worldwide changes going on that can easily put a person in to a state of shock and anxiety. For the past several years there has been book after book about the evolving of Earth and the growing humanitarian crisis in several countries. We are now witnessing people all over the World finding their voice and speaking out!

While we are dealing with all of this, many of us have had or still have our own family and personal crisis at home. We need time to let it all sink in. If we can learn to forgive others and remove our own guilt or remorse over the past, we do a tremendous favor to our soul’s growth. We also have to learn to accept changes in our friends and family situations to understand that life’s circumstances also evolve. Those of us who practice communication with spiritual guides have gotten the messages of change and felt the increasing energies that surround us. We have been channeling messages, writing about it and have the ability to know a certain many future events on many levels. I remember telling people about four years ago that there would be protests in the streets coming and it was inevitable for change in the USA. We had to start speaking out about the selfish materialism and greed, the mindless gossip and judgment along with the constant rewarding of destructive behavior with money and fame.

It’s time to heal these things inside all of us which make us feel that we are only what we are on the outside, without looking within. To help each other find joy through taking responsibility as a part of the collective good. To reach out to each other again with love and trust as it was meant to be. To start speaking out and helping to make the changes for a better World a reality. Building the largest church hasn’t proven to be the answer. Building a compassionate place in our hearts for every living soul might be a better choice. It takes time to grow into the consciousness of people who are ready to be a part of it.

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When we take good care of ourselves, we honor the divine inside of us. Sharing our knowledge and the vibrations of our collective energy helps us all to evolve and ascend. Our karma goes with us wherever we go, it touches everything and everyone. We are discovering how beautiful and amazing it feels to have this indescribable energy surround, communicate and heal us; mind, body and soul. As we continue to concentrate our efforts for the healing of the Earth and every living being on it, it will continue to unfold before our eyes. It will be inevitable that the healing process will manifest the shining future we all came here to experience together.

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