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Sacred Number 4 and April’s Numerological Essence

Sacred Number 4 and April’s Numerological Essence

Number 4

April, the 4th month is upon us. Let’s take a look at the meaning of the number 4 according to numerology.

April’s Numerological Essence and the Sacred Number 4

By Greer Jonas



What is the numerological essence of the Month of April? The four is the builder and organizer. Four represents the home and structure in its physical form and stability and organization in its energetic form. A person with a four destiny (the sum of the birthday numbers reduces to the number 4) can totally lose it if their house or office is a mess. They function on everything having its logical place.


The Sacred Number 4

In the Lakota tradition, the number 4 is considered a sacred number. The four vibrations reside in nature (beginning with the root, then stem, then leaves, and then fruit.) Further illustrated, we have four directions on our planet, four-legged animals, and the four seasons (Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring.)

April begins the blossoming of the land, as spring is upon us (that is, in between those cold days in the 40s on the east coast.) As the buds’ surface on the trees and the flowers begin to bloom, we also can feel the refreshing, enlivening spirit of April.

How can the energy of April assist us with a fresh outlook in life during these times? We can connect to the sacred earth, plant in the garden, and take walks in nature.

The grounding and steadfast quality of the four can help us start and complete projects such as painting a room, brainstorming on a new business, or straightening up our apartment.

And it appears that we are seeing a lightening of the spirit as the ‘Covid era’ begins to find a positive solution.


What can you do to let go of the doldrums and isolation during this time?

Oprah Winfrey and Katharine Graham Have a ‘Four’ Destiny

Two women who demonstrate the four’s success and steadfast personality are a celebrity, Oprah Winfrey and publisher Katharine Graham.



In numerology, we can find someone’s life purpose or journey to this earth to walk. To find your destiny, add all the numbers in your birthday and reduce the sum.

If you have a four destiny, there is a good chance you are very organized, a successful builder, and/or a business entrepreneur. You can also be a bit stubborn and controlling. In this numerological analysis, we will also look at Oprah and Katherine’s name charts to find their expression number (how they communicate in life.)

To find someone’s expression number, you add the sum of all the letters together in their name. For this post, we will only analyze the name that Winfrey and Graham are most known for compared to their full birth names.

Here is the Pythagoras chart, which illustrates the numerological value of each letter.

Number 4-Numerology april

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954.

1+2+9+1+9+5+4 = 31 (3+1=4) Destiny = 4  With a four destiny, this entrepreneur, talk show host, actress, producer, philanthropist, and billionaire built her successful empire with a dynamic personality, brilliance, and perseverance.

Number 4

Oprah’s expression number of 77/5 is called a master number. When two numbers are the same, they are mighty, and thus we do not reduce. The 77 defines mastery in spirituality and uniqueness. As a master, spiritual leader (the energy of 7), Oprah inspires people to act and change their lives (the energy of 5.) This expression totally describes Oprah as she can motivate people to see life differently, rediscovering their spirit and ability to change.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Katherine Graham

Long before the media started using the internet for research, the newspaper was the primary newsgathering source. Katharine Graham led the way as one of the first American female publishers: most famous for the coverage in her newspaper, The Washington Post, of the Watergate scandal and resignation of President Richard Nixon.

Her steadfast determination and no-nonsense leadership strongly illustrated the four personalities.

See Also

June 16, 1917 –  6+1+6+1+9+1+7 =31 (3+1=4) Destiny = 4

Number 4-KATHARINE GRAHAM-numerology

Although Katharine’s maiden name was Meyer, she was primarily known for Katharine Graham’s married name. With a nine’s expression, she demonstrated the 9’s ability to view a new perspective with an inner drive towards transformation and change. Katharine showed a proper understanding of the bigger picture as she transformed the media’s influence to manifest change.

“To love what you do and feel that it matters how could anything be more fun?” ~ Katharine Graham



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About the Author

Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, online, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist.

Contact: with questions, find out about classes, or schedule a numerology reading.

Art site:

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