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Focusing on the New Reality

Focusing on the New Reality

New Reality

The shift to the New Reality is to a life based on an internal focus. In other words, a fundamental connection with a higher power.

How Do We Connect to the New Reality?

by Darity Wesley 



Our reality is changing. Yes, it is and right in front of our eyes! We are shifting from the old, dying reality of duality and moving into the new reality of unity and oneness. For thousands of years, this shift has been spoken by indigenous peoples and now is showing up to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

There is a great divide that is taking place on our planet right now, and it hurts our hearts. Yet, we know that it is meant to play out. This divide is growing between those who have awakened and those who chose not to awaken at this time. It is happening, and we cannot stop it. So, what do we do? We have to turn our attention, our focus, to moving deeper into our chosen reality.

If we want to live in a New Reality, we will want to start doing it now and put our full focus there!

What does it mean to live in a New Reality? Primarily it is a shift in focus. We shift from an external focus, which has been the way of life on this planet for a very long time, to an internal compass that is a new way of life.

Our external focus has centered on things: money, people, material possessions, fame, fortune, status, career, or whatever is wanted from the world. These are what humanity has been seeking for fulfillment, for happiness, for what makes us feel good. There is no fundamental internal spiritual connection, only external. As a result, this outward focus makes our happiness depends upon what is happening outside of us, out there somewhere.

The shift to the New Reality is to a life based on an internal focus. In other words, a fundamental connection with a higher power … be it yourself, God, the Universe, angels, Source – whatever or however you describe what that energy is.



It is not necessary to believe in “God” or anything beyond yourself to understand this shift. It is about consciously allowing that creative power, whatever that is to you, to work through your life in such a way that happiness and fulfillment and what makes you feel good comes from within.

This profound shift is happening, whether we are conscious of it or not. However, becoming consciously aware and deliberately taking steps toward the New Reality will significantly expand our personal and spiritual growth. It will also bring about a great sense of joy and fulfillment.

The first step is to become more conscious of our focus. We start by bringing our complete attention to whatever we are being, doing, having, saying, and creating. That means opening up our discerning lens, like on a camera, to let more light in to make things more transparent.

As we step more and more into the New Reality, our focus becomes that of allowing the prevailing light to come in. Wherever we are with whatever we are doing … so that we can see clearer. And of course, with the energies that are going on right now, and our spiritual practices, it’s good to allow more light. It affords the ability for things to become more apparent.

And how do we know they are clearer? We check in with our hearts. Does it feel right? Does it resonate with us? Is it for our highest good? That is how we know that it’s become more transparent.

As we become clearer and start focusing, really putting our complete attention on what we want to do, be, have, we can begin following our inner guidance without hesitation. That means honoring that still small voice within … our gut, our intuition, our Spirit every step of the way.

Why do we want to do that? Because we really need to focus on trusting ourselves, our hearts, more than ever before. With this commitment to really trust ourselves, we can focus on how we see things, how others see us, how we want to see the world, and how the world sees us.

See Also

As we integrate and expand our focus and expand these energies, we can transition smoothly into the New Reality.

So, open your discerning lens. Be like that camera. Let the light in and focus.


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About the Author

Darity Wesley is an award-winning, best-selling author, a lawyer, a speaker, a Death Diva, and a Wisdom Sharer. She has traveled the spiritual, metaphysical, and personal development paths for many decades. She has become a powerful resource for those awakening to their evolving consciousness. Her ‘Wisdom for the New Reality’ messages goes out monthly to her international community for free. Sign up on her website

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