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The Wheel of Fortune Card: Tarot Arcane May 2021

The Wheel of Fortune Card: Tarot Arcane May 2021

The wheel of Fortune-may 2021

The month of May brings the energy of the Wheel of Fortune card to the front and with it the feeling of liberation from what’s been holding us back.

The Wheel of Fortune Card – Archetype for May 2021



The Cosmic Forecast for May

The month of May in 2021 will be known by everyone as a month of liberation, of giving up everything that prevents us from shining and being whole and fulfilled! We started the month with the Sun in Taurus connected to Uranus. Venus will also be in Taurus, connected to Lilith. Sun and Uranus are at war with Saturn in Aquarius, which requires a commitment to change and our achievements.

So, it is no use just wishing; it is important to commit to the desire and bear the consequences of our will. If you really want something, I recommend that you think about how much and if you want the consequences of your actions coming to your Life.


Freedom or Work?

To have Life with more time to make dreams come true or to be overwhelmed by many tasks? These are the choices that we will have to make, and that is what Venus when entering Gemini, on the 8th, will demand from us all.

This move will give us the chance to get rid of so many burdens and responsibilities by allowing ourselves to choose! Mercury, entering Gemini also at the beginning of the month, will help us think better about our choices!


Mercury Retrograde and Time to Rethink strategies.

May also brings us the second Mercury retrograde of the year and the unique opportunity to rethink and rebalance many unbalanced energies reminiscent of last year’s Vibrations.

The second Mercury Retrograde of 2021 begins with the Pre-Shadow in Gemini on May 15 at approx. 12:28 am Universal Time*, 8:28 pm EDT, and 5:28 pm PDT on May 14.

Mercury goes Retrograde in Gemini (24º 43″) on May 29 at 10:34 pm Universal Time, 6:34 am EDT, and 3:34 pm PDT.

The Direct Station occurs in Gemini (16º 08′) on June 22, at 10:00 pm Universal Time, 6:00 pm EDT, and 3:00 pm PDT.

The Waning Moon that opens the month helps us get rid of old things, so we will settle a good part of commitments, whether they are late or not. We will produce like crazy to enter this path of freedom! We will have more time for ourselves and for our relationships or dreams. Anyway, there will be time for each of us to make good use of it or not; free will belongs to each one.



The Wheel of Fortune as the Month Archetype

Can you adapt to what happens to you?

As we have seen, the Arcane Regent of 2021 is the Hierophant or the Pope, a symbol of morals and good manners, benevolence, compassion, and spiritual teaching. In May, the Regent will be the card The Wheel of Fortune, number 10 Arcanum – when we add the Arcanum 5 of the year (Pope) to the number 5 (of May), we have the number 10.

The Wheel of Fortune portrays the strength of Destiny or the simple chance, which can come in the form of unforeseen events, surprises, or changes in routine and obviously gets us off track and makes us nervous, anxious, or, at the very least, restless, and worried.

After all, it is natural that we do not know how to go ahead when something that we consider stable proves to be completely unstable.

Nowadays, this type of situation has materialized in very different ways among us. Jobs that until a while ago were considered safe began to be fragile. Entire organizations and solid plans no longer fit the new present; objectives that we had so clear have lost their raison d’être.


The Ethics of Going with the Flow

Therefore, it is essential to learn to behave like the Wheel of Fortune itself, which does not linger in a single position, which flows with Life, which adapts to the movement, flexible in nature.

So, regardless of the scare that has hit you in the past months, instead of resisting or swimming against it, try to find a way to dive, to adjust to what happens.

Ask yourself, “How can I turn this setback into luck? How can I create opportunities and open doors where I previously only saw obstacles?”.

There is always a way out and a solution to our problems. Sometimes it is enough that, first of all, we believe in it. It is not about magical thinking but about allowing your brain to work for you. Primarily because if we become pessimistic people, it will block us and prevents us from being more active within what we live.



See Also
death Card august 2021-OMtimes

Just one caveat: Remember to implement and cultivate the Hierophant’s ethics (The arcanum for the year 2021). Because to find dubious shortcuts and options can be easier; however, its benefits don’t live long. So, make room to continue moving forward in the best way you can, no matter what happens, without thereby giving up your most fundamental moral and spiritual principles.


You will also enjoy the Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2021 for Each Zodiac Sign


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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