Planting the Seeds

Written by on April 15, 2015

Planting the Seeds

Airing Wednesday, 22 April 2015, 1:00 PM ET

Welcome to the first ever show of EQUILARIUM fm.

We are so delighted to have our debut on the airwaves on 22nd April 2015.

Not only is it a Master Number but also it is “International Earth Day” where people all over the globe will be planting seeds of many kinds.

It is a day for giving back to the planet, of honouring nature and our precious Mother Earth.

Come and join the gathering around my kitchen table with my guests Gill Orsman and Josephine Tyrrell as we plant the first seeds of EQUILARIUM and take a mighty leap of faith, up into the infinite big blue and out across the airwaves.

Together we will be Raising Vibrations across the Nations ~ Inspiring YOU to be ALL that you can BE!

About Guests Gill Orsman & Josephine Tyrrell

Gill is one of Claire’s regular guests who brings much humour and wisdom to her gatherings.
Once the leading professional Flower photographer in London, working in the field of advertising, design, packaging and publishing.

Gill now pursues her calling as ‘The Holistic Photographer’ specialising in photographing the Unseen; working as a healer, counsellor, teacher and natural intuitive coach.

Josephine is another one of Claire’s fascinating guests, who brings beautiful Celtic mystic wisdom, wonder and awe to her gatherings.

She is one of Seven Sisters and the mother of Seven Sons. She is an amazing natural intuitive, Life coach, Healer, Artist and Inspirational Speaker.

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