Discovering Your Child’s Learning Style
Written by OMTimes Radio on September 24, 2015
Discovering Your Child’s Learning Style with Mariaemma Pellulo-Willis
Airing Thursday, 1 October 2015, 7:00 PM ET
It has become widely accepted that not all children learn alike. Some grasp information best by reading, while others learn better through listening or discovering concepts in a hands-on fashion. Longtime educator Mariaemma Willis says there are actually five aspects to a student’s learning style beyond the simple modes of visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. Their “learning style profile” takes into account a child’s talents, interests, preferred learning environment, and disposition, as well as the three more familiar modes.
If you have or know a child who is struggling in school or has been labeled a “learning misfit”, join Sandie and guest Mariaemma Pellulo-Willis and discover the secret to helping them lose the labels and discover the joy of learning, simply by uncovering their individual learning style.
About Guest Mariaemma Pellulo-Willis
Mariaemma Pelullo-Willis, M.S. is an education consultant and LearningSuccess™ Coach. She is co-author of Discover Your Child’s Learning Style and Midlife Crisis Begins in Kindergarten and is co-founder of the LearningSuccess™ Institute where parents and teachers learn how to coach every child for learning success, and co-creator of Power of You Now! seminars for adults.
Before going into private practice, Mariaemma was the director of a private learning center for children with learning disabilities. After 13 years of assessing and treating children and adults for learning “dysfunctions” she knew that she could no longer follow this erroneous and harmful model of education and began researching alternatives. For the last 25 plus years her passion has been helping children and their families understand and appreciate their natural gifts and abilities, and helping adults recuperate from negative school experiences which keep them from discovering their passions and potentials. She has spent spent more than twenty-five years teaching, conducting workshops and seminars for parents and teachers, and developing educational programs and materials.