Dispelling One of the Greatest Myths About the Laws of the Universe

Written by on December 3, 2015

Dispelling One of the Greatest Myths About the Laws of the Universe

Airing Thursday, 10 December 2015, 10:00 PM ET

I have had countless conversations this year with clients who are in tears in my office despairing that they are letting themselves down by thinking too much about their fears.

As they wipe their eyes with a tissue they explain that they have been studying some of the law of attraction principles and …” you know … thoughts become things” .. and … “what you focus on expands”.
They are in a state of distress and their fears are increased exponentially as they worry that they are attracting some ill fated experience into their life just by worrying about it.

If you are a parent you are going to naturally worry about future events with your children. It is part of parenthood. If you are someone who suffers from anxiety and are plagued with intrusive thoughts about some irrational event in the future – then these are just that -irrational fears and your anxiety expressing itself.

To think about events or things that you don’t want to occur AKA worrying is part of life. And it happens to all of us at some time. To then also add to this a fear that the very act of worrying about ‘it’ will attract ‘it’ into your life – well this is just completely overwhelming and sadly can reduce your ability to get relief from your fears and anxiety.

To this show Katrina Cavanough will begin a more thoughtful conversation about this misunderstanding and take some steps to give you relief and clear it up once and for all.

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