Getting the Kinks Out! Erotic Explorations with Eve Minax

Written by on February 11, 2016

Getting the Kinks Out! Erotic Explorations with Eve Minax

Aired Thursday, 18 February 2016, 4:00 PM ET

Eve discusses the importance of recognizing and validating a plethora of sexual desires in order to become a more well rounded person. She feels that BDSM is a great place for personal growth and reclamation of self. Eve also believes that kink/bdsm can be considered more of an exploratory path than an oppositional one to normalized sexual practices. She also discusses her work in terms of (Sexual) Psychic Waste Management, helping people find ways of integrating more connection, play, and intimacy in their lives.


About the Guest Eve Minax

Eve-Minax_Eros-Evolution_OMTimes-RadioDubbed “The Approachable Pervert” by her peers, Kink Educator and Sexual Empowerment Coach Eve Minax demystifies BDSM by showing erotic explorers how to be more confident, compassionate, kick ass kinksters! She has been acting as the Lead Staff Instructor for the Cleo Dubois Academy of SM Arts since 2002. Minax further exercises her pedagogical skills at a plethora of conferences antionwide and is currently on the board of CARAS and TASHRA. She is also a certified Urban Tantrika and Bondassage Practitioner, Trainer and Author. Find out more about Eve Minax:,, and

A long term Kink Cultivator, BDSM pundit, and adventurer of intimate relationships, Eve Minax demystifies BDSM/Kink by showing erotic explorers how to be confident, compassionate kick ass partners!” Her practice is grounded in Tantra, Taoism, Buddhism/mindfulness, Guided Visualization, and Non Violent Communication. Minax been participating in and been an advocate for marginalized communities for over 20 years. She is most fond these days of self actualization through sexual exploration and assisting other sex workers in expanding their skill set. Minax has been happily working with the Cleo Dubois Academy of SM-Arts since 2002 and can be found at:



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