The Eclipse in Libra
Written by OMTimes Radio on March 14, 2016
The Eclipse in Libra
Aired Monday, 21 March 2016, 9:00 PM ET
Join Kelli Fox, host of the Weekly Astrology Show where she will discuss this week’s powerful Lunar Eclipse.
The Eclipse in Libra will take effect on March 23. Themes such as relationships — both personal and professional, legalities and social activity are highlighted during this time. Eclipses have powerful effects, especially when they connect with personal planets, such as your Sun sign.
For many, this may be a time to make up or break up under this intense planetary influence. Have you been getting along with your partner like two peas in a pod, or have you been going at it like Siamese fighting fish? Remember, knowledge is power! So find out if your partner really is The One — or if you’re better off looking for love somewhere else.
Tune in to find out how this Lunar Eclipse in Libra will affect you, your sign, your love life and much more over the coming months.