The Inefficiency Assassin with Helene Segura
Written by OMTimes Radio on May 29, 2016
The Inefficiency Assassin with Helene Segura
Aired Sunday, 5 June 2016, 9:00 PM ET
Is your “To Do List” a lot longer than your “Got It Done List”? Do you often find yourself overwhelmed, stressed out, or constantly distracted by the proverbial “shiny bright light”.
If you are ready to slay procrastination and work smarter, not longer, then join Sylvia and her guest, Helene Segura, to learn time management tactics that will allow you to squash the inefficiency in your life.
About the Guest Helene Segura
Helene Segura is the author of The Inefficiency Assassin and has spoken to thousands of go-getters, teaching them to manage stress by regaining control of their chaotic work and personal lives.
Helene has coached hundreds of clients to improve their personal productivity and performance, and she has been featured as an organizational expert in more than 100 media appearances.
To contact Helene Segura visit: