Reclaim Your Inner Sparkle with Mindfulness & Meditation

Written by on October 25, 2016

Reclaim Your Inner Sparkle with Mindfulness & Meditation

Aired Tuesday, 1 November 2016, 2:00 PM ET

Many women get to a time in their life when they ask, “who am I and what do I need”? They’ve been so focused on others that they don’t know who they are anymore. Mindful living coach Bev Janisch knows that feeling well. At 50, though she had it ‘all’ and was living the dream she found herself struggling internally and feeling as if something was missing.

Bev’s defining moment came she, and her husband, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, one of the highest mountains in the world. The ironic thing was that as she was standing literally on top of the world on the inside she was as low as she could ever remember being. That pivotal moment led her to begin the journey back to herself. Intuitively Bev knew that the answers were not out there somewhere but that they were inside of her and she began to learn about the power of meditation and mindfulness. As she did, a shift and transformation began to happen and today Bev helps other women get back their inner sparkle and live their best lives.


About the Guest: Bev Janisch

Bev-Janisch_Inspired-Conversations_OMTimes-RadioBev Janisch is a mindful living coach who helps people answer the questions, “How can I feel more peaceful? Who am I now? What do I want? What’s missing at this stage in my life and how do I get my inner sparkle back?”

She has a 30-year career in nursing and after undergoing her own transformation, began mentoring people so they wouldn’t need to go through the confusion and uncertainty of a transformation alone.

Bev received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Alberta and her Master’s degree in nursing from the University of Calgary, Alberta. She is a certified meditation and mindfulness teacher through the McLean Meditation Institute and is a Certified Life Coach with the Certified Coaches Federation.

Bev is a life-long learner and is regularly taking courses on metaphysics, mindfulness, intuition and all things spiritual. Bev has applied all these teachings and tools into her coaching with great success.

She is the founder of The Compassionate Mind – a website, blog and series of programs and services aimed at serving clients all over the world.



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