Pragmatic Steps To The Joy Of Business
Written by OMTimes Radio on April 17, 2017
Aired Monday, 24 April 2017, 4:00 PM ET
Pragmatic Steps To The Joy Of Business
Have you ever wondered where you are now?…what you are really doing with your life?….with your business? Rachel O’Brian and Max Zoulek, Certified Joy of Business Facilitators, will clarify what doesn’t work AND give you the primary tools to move into a space of business that only you know how to create.
Your life is your business and your business is your life. What will you choose?
About the Guests: Max Zoulek and Rachel O’Brien
Max Zoulek – Max has a dramatic story of success… seven years ago he was sick and very unhappy with his life; even after studying Natural Medicine at University for 5yrs!
After discovering the tools of Access Consciousness he turned all of that around and now facilitates people worldwide using the same tools; applying them to topics as diverse as healing, entities and business.
Now, the more important part is the future. He sees the possibility of consciousness being available to the majority of people on the planet. A possibility of change, kindness and potency. Being everything we are.
What choice is available to us that will actualize that possibility?
Rachel O’Brien – If it’s not light and joyful, it’s not YOU!
What if you are not the problem? What if you are not just the so-called black sheep of your family?
What if you are so much more than your past? What would it take to create a different possibility for you, your life, and your living?
Rachael O’Brien, CFMW, is a Transformational Life Coach, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Pilates Instructor and radio show host. Rachael is the mother of three children aged 16, 17, and 22.
She travels the world, assisting people to create ease in all aspects of their lives. Her show, Receiving Rachael, has hosted some of the most successful and well-known transformation agents on the planet.