Blissful Balance: Ending the War between Work & Play
Written by OMTimes Radio on June 20, 2017
Aired Tuesday, 27 June 2017, 2:00 PM ET
Blissful Balance: Ending the War between Work & Play
Discover the strategies to help you end the war between work and play and to go from stressed and overwhelmed to experiencing a blissful balance. It is possible to move from the three ring circus you may be experiencing now to feeling productive and fulfilled with time to do the things you want to do.
About the Guest: Jennifer Flynn
Jennifer Flynn is a business and lifestyle strategist who specializes in helping overwhelmed entrepreneurs and small business owners end the war between work and play. As the owner of The Balance Maven® and creator of its signature program Balance YOUniversity™ she supports clients with both her Balance Maven Business™ and Balance Maven Life™ platforms. It is her mission to show you that you CAN have both personal and professional fulfillment. Through processes to get clarity on what you want to achieve and superior time and money saving business strategies, she helps you create effective systems to streamline for efficiency and end overwhelm one step at a time. In maximizing productivity you will create more free time with profitable results leading to a healthier business and a happier you. You were born to have your cake and eat it too! Learn more at and claim your complimentary get acquainted call.
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