Regula Curti – Awakening Beyond

Written by on November 15, 2017

Aired Wednesday, 22 November 2017, 8:00 PM ET

Regula Curti – Awakening Beyond


With everything in the world that can possibly divide people and nations is there something that can united us, find common ground between us and ultimately take us “beyond” the illusion of separation?

My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Regula Curti, along with her husband Beat created the Beyond Foundation in 2007 using music to inspire mutual respect, compassion, and dialogue between religions and cultures around the world, and to awaken tolerance and love. This concept has grown and blossomed since 2008 with the release of three amazing albums and the just released fourth creation, “Awakening Beyond”. Their collaboration includes voices from around the world, including Tina Turner!

Join us as she shares her story and generously shares a preview of the music!

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