Be The Demand Of You! Never Give Up, Never Give In, Never Quit!
Written by OMTimes Radio on March 5, 2018
Aired Monday, 12 March 2018, 4:00 PM ET
Be The Demand Of You! Never Give Up, Never Give In, Never Quit!
Today’s episode is about Trusting yourself, having Faith in your capabilities and never giving up, never giving in and never quit.
Smriti will be taking you down the memory lane to her trainee pilot days and how she combines the lessons that she learned then, to her Business and the classes that she facilitates now.
If most of you are wondering that What has the Joy Of Business got to do with flying?
Well, you’ll soon find out!
Just know, that when want something just go ahead and make a demand of you, be willing to receive it from the Universe and Never give up! Never give in! Never quit!
About the Guest: Smriti Goswami
Smriti Goswami is a business mentor, life coach and certified facilitator of several Access Consciousness special programs, including Joy of Business, Being You, and Access Bars®. She is a certified FAA Commercial Pilot, experienced glider pilot and co-owner of Mumbai organization, ArtEscapades. A talented athlete and adventure sportswoman, Smriti successfully completed an intensive SCUBA course with the Indian Naval Diving Team. Smriti was one of just eight girls in a gathering of 600 participants. She is a committed advocate for women’s empowerment. She offers individual consultations and classes around the world, empowering people to think out of the box and follow their dreams.
You can connect with her at: