Metaphysical and Energetic Practices in Personal Growth – Part 1
Written by OMTimes Radio on March 7, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 14 March 2018 at 4:00 PM EST / 1:00 PM PST
Metaphysical and Energetic Practices in Personal Growth – Part 1
Time To Clean Up The Garden: Are You Ready?
Spring signals a sign of newness but the garden needs clearing. The protective cover of leaves and old expired memories of days gone by need to be cleared before we can plant new life into our garden.
We all carry emotional wounds. These wounds are the perfect signposts pointing us towards healing. I often used a quote from Richard Bach’s Illusions “Argue your limitations and they’re yours.” (October 1994 Bantam Doubleday Dell)
Working with our wounds has the power to move us towards a higher vibration and enjoy a richer more meaningful life. This week we will talk about ways to let the light in and clear out our inner clutter. You hold the power to transform your outer life through inner work.
Let’s get practical and use this time of change and stand in the sunlight together!