Clearing Heartbreak for Deep Love & Relationship

Written by on August 9, 2018

Aired Thursday, 16 August 2018, 1:00 – 3:00 PM EST

Clearing Heartbreak for Deep Love & Relationship

Finding a starting point in the journey to discover deep love after heartbreak can be difficult. Often times you lose your sense of self in the process. If you are able to recognize and eliminate self-sabotaging patterns you will be amazed at how easy it is to create the perfect love relationship, dream career, or anything else you desire through a mindful practice. Today our experts are exploring powerful practices to mindfully vision the life of your dreams.

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Glenn Brooks, Host
Teshna Beaulieu, Freedom Chiropractic
Lisa LeRose,
Ariel Baradarian, Homeopath,

Teshna Beaulieu of Freedom Chiropractic is a licensed doctor of chiropractic and a certified practitioner in Quantum Neurology and Neuro-emotional technique. She will be teaching a profound course at Kripalu August 26-29 titled, “Update Your Love Blueprint: Mind-Body Practices to Transform Your Life.” For more information, CLICK HERE.

Lisa LeRose Wellness Practitioner & Executive Producer is a natural health advocate, educator, counselor, international speaker, and eternal optimist. She believes that good health is our body’s natural state and that if you give your body the right environment and support… it can heal itself. Learn more about Lisa at:

Ariel Baradarian, CCH is a certified homeopathic practitioner, holistic health expert, natural health blogger, the chief editor of, and the New York Producer for the Vibrant Living Network. Learn more about Ariel and his unique holistic approach to healing by clicking here.

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