Aired Thursday, 20 September 2018, 1:00 – 3:00 PM EST
Vibrant Connections
Learn how to live at a different level of listening and awareness. When we truly connect at a heart level it opens us to be able to embrace deep connection and sense of community. Join Glenn for unique insights on Vibrant Connections.
Join us for the first hand experience of one of Dr. Teshna’s patients. Discover how Dr. Teshna was able to help Rita Gendelman to open her heart to receiving deep love. Rita will be sharing how Dr. Teshna’s work profoundly impacted her life and the lives of her clients.
Glenn Brooks, Host
Teshna Beaulieu, Freedom Chiropractic
Rita Gendelman, Certified Occupational Therapist
Lisa LeRose,
Ariel Baradarian, Homeopath,
Nate Hughes, of Menla Retreat Center & Spa,
Teshna Beaulieu of Freedom Chiropractic is a licensed doctor of chiropractic and a certified practitioner in Quantum Neurology and Neuro-emotional technique. She will be teaching a profound course at Kripalu August 26-29 titled, “Update Your Love Blueprint: Mind-Body Practices to Transform Your Life.” For more information, CLICK HERE.
Lisa LeRose Wellness Practitioner & Executive Producer is a natural health advocate, educator, counselor, international speaker, and eternal optimist. She believes that good health is our body’s natural state and that if you give your body the right environment and support… it can heal itself. Learn more about Lisa at:
Ariel Baradarian, CCH is a certified homeopathic practitioner, holistic health expert, natural health blogger, the chief editor of, and the New York Producer for the Vibrant Living Network. Learn more about Ariel and his unique holistic approach to healing by clicking here.
Nate Hughes path to Menla arose from his dedication to business interest with simple living and spirituality.
Rita Gendelman is a Certified Occupational Therapist who specializes in helping Children and Adults on the Autism Spectrum. Visit:
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