The Planets This Month: November 2018

Written by on October 22, 2018

Aired Monday, 29 October 2018, 9:00 PM ET

The Planets This Month: November 2018

The first week of November has a healing theme: two beautiful trines, firstly between Jupiter and Chiron and then between the Sun and Neptune both encourage compassion, sincerity and trust. A New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th continues this theme, allowing emotions to be aired and positively channeled. However, when Uranus retrogrades back into warrior-like Aries on November 6th, attitudes may become regressive and dogmatic, so we will need to guard against overly entrenched opinions.

Jupiter arrives in Sagittarius for the first time in 11 years on November 8th, bringing a huge upsurge in positivity, generosity and optimism. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, and optimism, and Sagittarius is the sign of travel, higher learning, adventure, and philanthropy. Considering the heaviness of many of 2018’s transits, Jupiter in Sagittarius offers a welcomed wave of positive energy and optimism.

Another bold sign change on November 15th also signals positive change: when Mars moves into Pisces, many of us can channel our energies towards the common good with much greater success than before. Making amends for the past is an important part of healing the future, and when Mercury turns retrograde on November 16th, we have a chance to do just that.

A difficult Mars-Jupiter square on November 19th warns us not to over-promise on what we cannot truly deliver. Any negativity from such actions is swiftly swept away, however, when the Sun breezes into Sagittarius on November 22nd. That same day, a Gemini Full Moon brings humor and a playful vibe, and this light-heartedness continues until November 25th when the Sun conjuncts Jupiter – this is traditionally thought to be one of the luckiest days of the year.

Tune in on Monday at 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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