The Energy & Integration Series with Jim Self, Lee Harris & Suzy Miller – December 2018

Written by on November 29, 2018

Aired Thursday, 6 December 2018, 7:00 PM ET

The Energy & Integration Series with Jim Self, Lee Harris & Suzy Miller – December 2018

Unravelling the ancestral knots of wounded emotions, connection vs judgment, conclusions and beginnings, acknowledging self-growth, and letting go of who you are not and accepting the consciousness that you are… these are a few of the topics Lee Harris, Suzy Miller, Jim Self and I will be discussing in the final episode of The Energy & Integration Series, and I don’t just mean for this year!

2018 has been a massive year in terms of accelerating consciousness. As welcome as spiritual evolution is, when transformation and change occur as rapidly as they now, grounding and balancing your energy may not be enough. So, come January, we’ll be greeting the New Year with an exciting new monthly show that ramps up what you got from the Energy & Integration Series to a higher level to keep pace with the elevation of consciousness we’re all experiencing and offers an unprecedented opportunity to fully synchronise your energy on a regular basis.

Watch this space for more details… An announcement will be made later this month. In the meantime, don’t miss this month’s show.

Jim-Self_What-Is-Going-OM_OMTimes-RadioSEGMENT 1 – JIM SELF

Jim Self is one of the few international teachers, authors and speakers actually working at the leading edge of the current planetary Shift of Consciousness. He provides solid, up-to-date information and practical energy tools to help us keep pace with the transition we are in. Since childhood he has had the ability to recall his experiences within the sleep state. This awareness has expanded into relationships with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light.


Lee-Harris_What-Is-Going-OM_OMTimes-RadioLee Harris is an energy teacher, intuitive, channeler, artist and musician. He began as a part-time healer in 2004, doing intuitive readings out of his home in England. His work currently reaches hundreds of thousands around the planet, through his videos, audio recordings, writings, workshops and online events.

Now based in California, Lee manages an international team of creatives in his self-growth company Lee Harris Energy; a worldwide multi-media and event production house. Lee and his team are passionate about grounding creative spirituality into these challenging times. As a transformation guide and teacher for others, he is determined to see people experience impactful and abundant lives, while supporting each other through community.


Suzy-Miller_What-Is-Going-OM_OMTimes-RadioA visionary speaker, author, telepathic communicator, and multidimensional seer, Suzy Miller is the founder of the groundbreaking Awesomism Practitioner Process and The Journey Back to Love Series. While exploring the field of leading edge consciousness, she has personally undertaken intense physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual inquiries which have grounded her work in a practical, accessible way.

Suzy has collaborated with professionals in a variety of fields from psychology, social work, mainstream education and medicine to leading edge scientists, metaphysicians, healers and new thought leaders. She collaborated twice with Dr. William Tiller, Professor Emeritus Stanford University and featured physicist in the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?” spearheading both The Autism Intention Healing Experiment as well as an experiment for the elevation of collective human consciousness.

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