A Kinship with Dogs and Regain Optimal Health

Written by on May 23, 2019

A Kinship with Dogs and Regain Optimal Health

Aired Thursday, 30 May 2019, 1:00 – 3:00 PM EST

Part 1 – Dogs have hidden medicine that each of us can tune in to and learn from if we listen. Dogs have the ability to only change our brain, calm our emotions and to truly heal us on a very deep level. Dogs teach us about life in ways we never thought possible. Join us today as we welcome Tim Hoehn, Co-publisher of 4 Legs & a Tail Magazine and Cherie Marquez, the owner of Smart Paws, who specializes in teaching all about dog behavior and training. If you always have know in your heart that dogs are medicine; that they can bring us closer together you will enjoy this series.

Part 2 – Join us as we welcome, Dr. Gloria Kaye, energy specialist and hands on healer. Dedicated to enlightening the public about energetic healing, Dr. Kaye believes that her treatments effectively complement both alternative and medical models of treatment. Many of her clients seek her help after having tried other forms of treatment without success. Dr. Kaye has successfully treated clients with various medical conditions, including arthritis, backaches, migraines, muscle pain, inflammation, sprains, scoliosis and tendonitis. Her comprehensive approach to each case produces dramatic changes in an individual’s mobility, strength, flexibility, and overall health. During the show, we invite you to call in to experience the healing gifts Dr. Gloria Kaye.

• Glenn Brooks, Host
• Tim Hoehn, Co-publisher
• Cherie Marquez, www.smartpawsdogtraining.com
• Gloria Kaye, Ph.D., www.drgloriakaye.com
• Janet Carafa, http://hotyogaprinceville.comwww.artofmime.com
• Lisa LeRose, Executive Producer

Janet Carafa is a mime artist based in New York City. Janet studied intensively with Marcel Marceau for 12 years and performed as lead company member of the American Mime Theatre directed by Paul J. Curtis. Janet is founder, owner and artistic director of NY Entertainment Connection. She is a certified Bikram Yoga instructor and teaches in NYC and Kauai, Hawaii. She owns Hot Yoga Princeville and has been teaching full classes and private sessions in both Kauai and in NYC since 2006. Janet is author of the “Yoga of Mime – Touching the Invisible”.

Lisa LeRose – Wellness practitioner & Executive Producer is a natural health advocate, educator, counselor, international speaker, and eternal optimist. She believes that good health is our body’s natural state and that if you give your body the right environment and support . . . it can heal itself. Learn more about Lisa at: http://www.onewisdom.org

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