Would You like To Make An Impact In The World?

Written by on June 13, 2019

Would You like To Make An Impact In The World?

Aired Thursday, 20 June 2019, 4:00 PM EST / 1:00 PM PST

Pennie and Matthew will be discussing the following on Thursdays Show – First, we need to grow up emotionally. Human beings are collectively very emotionally immature. There is this thing called emotional intelligence, and we haven’t prioritized it as a species. We’ve focused primarily on developing our scientific, physical, mental and technological capacities while seriously neglecting our emotional development.

Just think what would be possible, if every child was taught how to be deeply compassionate with themselves and others. If we simply learn to process our emotions in a healthy way, we would keep our hearts open, we would be more compassionate, and all of our relationships would be far healthier and more fulfilling.

We also need to learn the importance of family and community, and to expand that to include the entire human family. There’s nothing wrong with being powerfully committed to getting our personal individual needs met, but far too many of us stop there. We might extend our sense of responsibility and commitment to those closest to us, but what about our neighbours. Most of us don’t even know our neighbours! What about the people living on the other side of the earth that you’ve never met? Why stop there? Could we extend our sense of compassion, and responsibility, to all life forms? Even to future generations?

If almost all of the world’s most pressing problems have been created by humans, then doesn’t it make sense that a shift in human consciousness is what’s needed most?

If we simply shift from patterns of selfishness and greed, to patterns of compassion, generosity, and love, We believe that all of the tangible problems will eventually get resolved.

We already know the tangible physical solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. We know what we need to do to reverse climate change. We know what we need to do to prevent war, to feed the hungry, to build ecologically sustainable societies, and to transform politics.

We just need to wake up to the truth of who we really are, open our hearts big and wide, and hold fiercely to a vision of what’s possible.

Fear and doubt have gripped the collective human psyche for far too long.

If you know anything about the law of attraction, what you pay attention to, and especially what you pay attention to with significant emotion, you attract. We do this individually, and collectively. So as long as we collectively indulge in fear and doubt, and as long as we choose to believe there is no hope for the future of humanity, then we will continue to collectively create that reality.

Hope you can join the show and enjoy.

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