Obstacles Equal Opportunities Volume 2 – Tracy Rickards and Leslie Tremblay

Written by on August 12, 2019

Obstacles Equal Opportunities Volume 2 – Tracy Rickards and Leslie Tremblay

Aired Monday, 19 August 2019, 12:00 PM EST / 9:00 AM PST

First Half of the Show

Free Yourself From The Golden Handcuffs and Build The Life Of Your Dreams – Tracy Rickards

Tracy-Rickards_Light-on-Living_OMTimes-RadioHave you constructed any of these prisons for yourself?

* Being overweight
* Being addicted to cigarettes and/or food
* Compromising yourself for attention and love
* Staying in an abusive marriage or employment situation?

Maybe it hasn’t got that far YET but You’re noticing that:

• What you used to love now feels like a chore
• You’re feeling resentful
• Your agenda is consumed with other peoples problems
• You give too much unpaid service in your business
• People call you only when they need something
• You take on projects to feel needed or get acknowledgement

Today’s guest, Tracy Rickards, is here to help you release yourself from these Golden Handcuffs, and the ones you may soon be wearing and build the life of your dreams – Freedom!


Second Half of the Show

Listening To Your Intuition When It Comes To Relationships, and Why We Don’t Even Hear It Sometimes – Leslie Tremblay

Leslie-Tremblay_Light-on-Living_OMTimes-RadioIn the end people who enter our life do so for two purposes. They teach us a lesson or grace us with blessings.
Days can be challenging. It’s not easy juggling parenting, relationships,career and self-care. Yet all of these experiences make each one of us the unique individual that we are today.

What are guest, Leslie Tremblay, shares with ya today is that:

• It’s okay to say no
• You don’t have to go it alone it’s OK to ask for help
• Courage to ask for what you want is a necessity
• Listen to your gut if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck
• I may not be able to control a situation but I am responsible for my reaction
• Some people like me and some people don’t it’s not my responsibility to sway the ones on the fence
• Simply visit your pity party don’t just live there

Drifting apart isn’t always a bad thing, it’s a transition and an opportunity for personal growth. Leslie shows us that there is light at the end of the tunnel that we might think is dark when a relationship seems to be ending.


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