Welcome to Access To Angels And Grace

Written by on September 25, 2019

Welcome to Access To Angels And Grace Call-In Series with Noemi Grace & Lisa Berry

Aired Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

What if you could ask God anything and hear God’s response? What would you ask?

If you had only 1 question you could ask, what would it be?

What would be your burning question for the Divine?

How valuable would it be for you to have that answer?

During Noemi’s years of talking directly with the Divine and working with clients, she has found receiving the answers to her questions from God invaluable and is stepping into position to deliver special messages to as many as she can. That’s why we’re opening up space to invite people to call in and RECEIVE directly!

Now you can hear God’s response to your questions about topics related to:



deepening relationships

areas of struggle

next steps

There’s a message waiting for you if you’re not happy with:

What you have

How You feel

Where You are


Sometimes we can get stuck partnering with the “pain devil” we know believing that it’s more bearable to stick with something we’re not happy with over choosing the change, shift, or path that is better for us because we imagine the pain to do it to be even worse. We second guess our decisions and sometimes we can become totally paralyzed and not make a decision at all.

When we hear confirmation of our strengths, that we are loved, that we matter, that we have all we need inside us then peace becomes a possibility and happiness becomes easy.

Noemi channels messages from Divine Source and shares intimate messages with the callers of what will benefit their highest self in this moment. When a listener shares this experience they too receive guidance and upliftment as all transformation is internally focussed and all messages contain universal love.

We invite you to call in for you complimentary channeled message every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 12:00 PM EST / 9:00 AM PST.

If you don’t make it through we still want to hear from you and add you to the list.

Email lisa@lightonliving.com to arrange and secure a time for you to be on the show as well as to invite you to future shows. Live call in are encouraged. The station number is 1 (202) 570-7057.

Meet Noemi Grace

Noemi Grace is a psychotherapist and soul healer. She channels new perspectives from God on unconditional self-love, forgiveness, grace, and life’s purpose, which she shares in her book An Intimate Dialogue with God: The Miraculous Power of Unconditional Self-Love. A unique aspect of her work is that she channels answers to people’s burning questions directly from the Divine.

Her passions include sharing these beautiful uplifting messages and helping people to heal patterns, wounds, and losses that have been resistant to healing. A unique aspect of her work is that she channels answers to people’s burning questions directly from the Divine. In her workshops and courses, she helps people discover their unique essence and dissolve their barriers to self-love and acceptance. She lives with her husband in the Boston area.

Email: noemigraceauthor@gmail.com


The love that I felt from this message has given me peace and hope. – Julie Righton

Her message from the Divine has helped to quiet my fears. – Maria Isabella Guitard

The response I got was exactly what I needed. – Lori Pilla

I feel blessed to have this personal message and highly recommend Noemi as a channel. – Stephani Roberts

I felt immersed in unconditional love and felt Light and Truth being shined upon the source of a core issue in such an affirming and clarifying way. Thank you so much for this Noemi, I feel lighter and happier and seen! – Gail Thomas

The high vibration coming through the communication I received was, in itself, as supportive and enlivening as the helpful content and direction given. – Sheila M.

Noemi Grace’s channeled message from source was on point for my question. It offered great guidance for my next step and allows me to be more present with what is with ease and grace. – Glenn Jones

The intuition that originally informed my question was confirmed, but I got even more! As a result of Noemi Grace’s reading, I feel so loved and held in my own Truth. – Amanda Williams, Ph.D.

I received a message from the Divine through Noemi Grace regarding a cycling accident I could not remember. The message was very supportive and helped me. – Nancy Cantor

I’m so grateful to Noemi Grace for the divine guidance that she gave to me. I could feel the love pouring out, and I look forward to implementing the many helpful suggestions that were given. – Jodi Chapman

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