The Laws of Higher Frequency

Written by on October 24, 2019

The Laws of Higher Frequency

Aired Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST

On Thursday Pennie and Matthew will spend time bringing their discussion around Spiritual Law to a conclusion. It is time for change. The truth Is… Divine discontentment is entering people’s hearts. The mass consciousness on Earth is changing at a rapid rate people are no longer satisfied with need and greed. We want a better way of living. To achieve this, we are asked to learn the rules, work together and clean up our game. We are preparing for promotion to a higher league. Collectively we are in the process to a higher dimension. Old habits and unresolved issues are surfacing so that they can be examined and released to make way for the new. Social structures are beginning to collapse. Monarchies, parliaments, big business, banks and all dinosaur institute are moving towards change or extinction. Many now, through hard work, co-operation and discipline, have reached the top league. They are playing in the cup final with the eyes of the world on them and providing inspiration for all. When you reach this level do not worry about those still disregarding the rules. Be an example of how the game can be played. When we follow the spiritual laws, we are able to reach enlightenment. We experience a feeling of oneness and live in love, compassion and trust. We become masters, following our own guidance and not allowing ourselves to be deflected by anyone else. Our greatest joy is to serve humanity and the Universe. The Laws of Higher Frequency include the Law of frequency or vibration, The Law of Miracles, The Law of Healing, The Law of Purification The Law of Perspective, The Law of Gratitude, The Law of Blessings The Law of Decree, The Law of Faith, The Law of Grace and The Law of One.

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