It’s a Process: Things You Can Do, Part III

Written by on December 24, 2019

It’s a Process: Things You Can Do, Part III

Aired Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST

Massive Transformation sounds exciting, but once the first rush wears off, a person can easily get overwhelmed. Change can seem slow and daunting, the results far-off and far-fetched, maybe even impossible. The reality is that we live in a high-speed, instant-gratification world, and personal growth doesn’t neatly fit into our social and cultural models.

Good news, however: there is a lot that you can do. It begins with ac-cepting that transformation is a process, and like all processes, it takes time. Accepting this brings a tremendous sense of freedom, and hopefully relief. You do not have to solve all of your problems and overcome all of your challenges at once.

This week we continue with the third and final part of our series on Things You Can Do. These are practical and accessible tools that you can put to use right now to get on track and to help yourself stay there. These do not require a huge amount of time or effort. They are small steps, with each one taking you closer to your desired result.

Join me for our continuation of this list of actionable items. This week we will cover forgiveness, moving on from limiting beliefs with compassion, cultivating a sense of humor, and more. There is always something we can do to remain positive and transformational, no matter what life throws at us.

Recognize the tools that you can use in your life, right now, today. Ex-perience a guided meditation to help you have patience with yourself, to help you realize that transformation is a process, and that if you show up and decide each day to keep going, you are on the right path and that no matter how much time it takes, you will succeed.

There are many things you can do. Pick a few that work for you, and keep transforming.

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