No Regrets Recovery – Corey Phair

Written by on December 23, 2019

No Regrets Recovery – Corey Phair

Aired Monday, December 30, 2019 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

I’m Corey, and I’m an addict. Aug 11/2018 is the day I admitted that to myself. That’s the day I turned my life around. I have no problem admitting that.

Potential by Corey Phair

Corey-Phair_Light-on-Living_OMTimes-RadioMy Name is Corey, and I’m an addict. I suffered for a very long time because I wouldn’t admit this. I do not care what others think. This is one reason I have absolutely no problem admitting this now. Not caring what the world thinks is freedom!

My addiction made me the man I am today. My addiction gave me the amazing life I have today. Everything happens for a reason. When I was struggling with mental health and addiction, I had zero confidence, no purpose, very low self-esteem, had many negative core beliefs, was insecure and hated myself.

All this is very common in those of us who struggle. I DO NOT have an ego… anymore. Humility is a very big part of my life. Having said that, the way I have turned my life around in the last fifteen months is pretty remarkable. I have just begun to tap into my potential.

I don’t care how bad you think your problems are. There is a better life if you are willing to admit there is a problem and put in the work. Substance abuse, mental health, hate your job, are in a bad relationship, don’t like where you live, broke, or whatever it is. You are right where you are in life right now because of you.

Stop shooting yourself in the foot with your bullshit excuses. Whats the difference between you, me, David Goggins, Tony Robbins or Wayne Gretzky? We all have two arms, two legs, eat the same, sleep the same, etc. It’s what’s in between our ears that separates us.

We all have huge potential! I love being the guy who see’s this in others when they don’t see it in themselves. It truly is an amazing feeling empowering others to become free. This is the ultimate satisfaction and I now know what I was meant to do.


“Change your thoughts, change your life”

“I’m very good at what I do because I get people to look deep within themselves. I will call you on your bullshit. My style is tough love and it is very effective!! Until you become 100% accountable, nothing will change.”

Join me as I interview this ALL POWERFUL, courageous, LEADER, Corey Phair …Monday December 30th at 12pm noon Eastern for a No Regrets Recovery start that you may just be ready to begin.

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