Wendy Mulder – Leading Through Unexpected Grief
Written by OMTimes Radio on January 22, 2020
Wendy Mulder – Leading Through Unexpected Grief
Aired Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Did you know that in this reality it’s appropriate to grieve and and in some cultures even expected?
There are some places that you are required to wear black and grieve for two years if you lose your husband. Oh boy!
Rarely are we taught to celebrate loss.
Rarely are we encouraged to see the gift in something that may be hard but is creating something greater than we could ever imagine.
When my step dad died it was a very very sad day for us all.
And yet there were so many unexpected gifts that came from that.
People coming together in ways they hadn’t in a long time.
Family laying down their differences and hugging each other even if just for the day.
People acknowledging what a contribution he was in their life. Truthfully, he was one of the kindest men I have ever had the privilege to know.
Not to mention all the possibilities that opened up for my mom.
Do we miss him. Of course!
Is our life better because we knew him. Absolutely!
And have our lives opened up even more in his passing. I can honestly say yes there was gifts in that too.
What if the universe is always conspiring for you never against you, even if you can’t see how?
Join Wendy Mulder and I LIVE on OmTimes Wednesday January 29 at 1pm PT in the USA and Thursday the 30 at 7am AEST in Australia!
Would you like to talk to us? Call us live at +1 202-570-7057 !
Thank you for listening!
A message from Wendy
We all have a story of grief or loss. The difference is that I believe we can use our story to create change in the world or we can use it against ourselves.
I was raped at a very young age and I decided the best way to live from that time on was to not be seen or heard. I literally stopped speaking and removed myself from the world in many ways. I suppressed the trauma and tried to just move forward, but as I got older it started impacting my life, most overtly in the form of debilitating migraines which began when I was 5 years old.
For many years I lost a lot of myself and went into the of wrongness of me. It was not one of my best choices and interestingly enough, the only person I was hurting was myself by not willing to be present or vulnerable with myself. Vulnerability with self is never putting up a barrier to everything you are and seeing the good, bad and ugly of you – and never judging any part of it.
I realised I had spent a lot of my life trying to prove how good I was whilst believing underneath that I was actually bad and wrong. Cute but not bright! That has now changed dynamically. I am so grateful for the tools, processes and information from Access Consciousness® which is all about empowering you to be more of you!
My adventure with Access Consciousness® began with Access Consciousness The Bars. You can find out more about Access Bars® here. It was the beginning of dynamic change (and the elimination of my migraines forever!) in every aspect of my life, particularly that of grief and trauma.
I realise now that grief is an area that a lot of people don’t like to talk about because it is seen as sad, heavy and so significant in this reality. My point of view about grief is, ‘What if we could see grief from a space of allowance, question, and possibility?’ If grief was a gift, what choices could it offer you and what changes could those choices bring?
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#Grief #UnexpectedGrief #WendyMulder #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg