Business as a Source of Fun
Written by OMTimes Radio on February 3, 2020
Business as a Source of Fun
Aired Monday, February 10, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Are you struggling right now, are you frustrated and bored with your job and business? Venus Castleberg and Doris Schachenhofer invite you to start asking questions and look from different angles. In the last few years both of them created global businesses with the tools of Joy of Business, facilitate and support people, entrepreneurs and companies to out create what they think is possible in ways that are phenomenal. Listen in and enjoy this joyful conversation on this week show!
After completing social work studies in Vienna, Doris Schachenhofer worked with children, homeless people, delinquent teenagers and prisoners transitioning back into the real world. She started working and earn her own money when she was 15. Regardless of what job she had it never mattered when and how much she worked as long as it was fun for her. Work is an adventure for her to explore possibilities. She loves interacting, creating and empowering.
In 2014 she became an Access Consciousness facilitator and now travels the world, supporting people to be more of themselves. She has a presence and clarity combined with kindness, caring & allowance that gives people the ease and trust to change anything.
Now she is working with people in single sessions, groups and companies and delivers live and online classes, including Joy of Business, Right Voice for You, Being You, Conscious Parents and Conscious Kids.
Venus Castleberg like most people is a seeker. She had bought the lie that she was broken and needed to be fixed…so she began to search for that which would make her feel whole and complete. She started a journey of pursuing that which would fix her through alternative healthcare, intuitive bodywork and transformational work.
For 20 years she studied every modality she could get her hands on including massage, homoeopathy, hypnotherapy, Reiki, Shamanism, yoga and many many more. She continued to look for something different because she always believed there was an easier way.
When Venus discovered Access Consciousness she finally realized no one is broken, including herself. And no-one needs to be fixed. Everyone is a gift just the way they are and just the way they are not. This shift affected her whole reality, propelling her to assist others to realize their greatness so that we can all begin to create different possibilities in our lives and on Earth.
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#DorisSchachenhofer #VenusCastleberg #AccessConsciousness #JoyOfBusiness #SimoneMilasas #ConsciousLiving