The Dr. Kevin Show – Rik Yeames
Written by OMTimes Radio on February 20, 2020
The Dr. Kevin Show – Rik Yeames
Aired Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM EST
Rik was born in West Hartford CT in 1959. From an early age his mission in life was to help others. After graduating from the University of CT with a Biology of Science degree in 1981, he worked in Emergency Medicine and Medical Sales for the next 5 years. In the spring of 1986 Rik discovered one of his true callings in life and started working with Domino’s Pizza. This year he celebrates 30 years as a LOGO (Locally Owned Great Operator) Franchisee of one-soon to be 2-Domino’s Pizza Shops in Concord NH. After experiencing a significant medical issue 6 years ago, Rik found 2 additional passions in his life, Peace & Solar Eclipses. Currently he is the Founder & CVO of three networks: The Logo Network; “Networking Each Logo For the Benefit of All”, A Piece of Pizza For; “There is no way to peace, peace is the way”, and The NH SETAF (Solar Eclipse Task Force); “The sky’s not the limit, it’s just the beginning”. Through his ever expanding networks, Rik hopes to continue helping people throughout NH, New England, and beyond. With Gratitude, Rik aka The pied piper of pizza, peace, & solar eclipses.
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