Mark Dodich – Astrology

Written by on March 17, 2020

Mark Dodich – Astrology

Air Date 24 March 2020 at 4:00 PM ET/1:00 PM PT

Let's Find Out Elizabeth Joyce OMTimes Radio

My purpose is to serve the Highest Good by allowing the light and love of our One Divine Source to flow through me. My goal is to assist you in manifesting your Divine Nature in your daily life. Your conscious understanding that you are intrinsically connected to the One Source of what Hermetic philosophers would call “All That Is” empowers you to manifest your life vision. This allows your spirit to heal, grow, and prosper. Since we are all connected at the Source, your increasing Light benefits all Creation. Thank you to all of the people who have helped me to come out of my hermit’s cave to step into greater levels of service. — Mark Dodich

About Mark Dodich

Mark-Dodich_Let's-Find-Out_OMTimes-RadioMark F. Dodich has provided Astrology and Intuitive Consultations internationally since 1980. Mark holds a C.A.P. (Certified Astrological Professional) from ISAR (International Society of Astrological Research). He is past president of the Oregon Astrological Association and publishes the Astromark newsletter. Since leaving the corporate world of industrial sales to do astrology full time in 1995, he has published hundreds of articles and is regularly heard on the radio, seen on television, and speaks at conferences and metaphysical venues.

Several years ago, Mark began to offer metaphysical travel to sacred places such as Egypt and Greece. Combining astrology, meditation, and healing ceremonies for small groups in ancient energies has been extremely satisfying. An African safari to places inhabited by humans for over 2 million years is the current project.

Metaphysical subjects and techniques that empower spiritual growth are a continual source of interest for Mark. His interest in esoteric subjects started while attending Kent State University, near his birthplace in Canton, Ohio. Mark was fascinated with the study of so-called primitive African tribes that could do telepathy, healing, and even had specific knowledge of stars that were not visible to the naked eye before the telescope was invented. He also studied a local spiritualist church camp to understand intuitive abilities, which he later learned were active in the elders of his own family (Catholics, in those days, did not speak of such things!).

Further studies included a healer/counselor certificate, and then a ministry certificate from the Arizona Metaphysical Society, Frank Alper, and the Church of Tzaddi (I am no longer affiliated with the church, and Frank has since made transition). Mark was a board member of the Church of Alice, a spiritualist church, for over 8 years. Mark also took numerous Native America-style medicine wheel training’s from Sun Bear and other shamanistic teachings He is a past president of the Oregon Astrological Assn (two terms), past treasurer and newsletter editor, and seems to have one of those volunteer stickers on his back!

Before Mark moved to Oregon in 1991, he lived in SE Florida, Houston, Seattle, Colorado Springs, San Francisco, Anchorage, Washington DC, New Jersey, and Santa Fe. Some of these moves were career oriented during his life as an industrial salesperson in industries such as aluminum, mini-blind manufacturing, and industrial supplies. Other moves were for the sake of adventure. It isn’t hard to see how he developed his passion for Relocation Astrology (AstroCartoGraphy® or EARTHLINES™, helping you find your personal power places on planet earth for romance, career, and spiritual service).

Somewhere along the way, Mark developed an interest in the channeled materials of Djwahl Kuhl and Alice A. Bailey. The information on the Seven Rays and the Violet Flame helped Mark to develop his Soul Ray Esoteric Astrology Consultation.

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