Sara Hartman – Music Saved My Life

Written by on March 30, 2020

Sara Hartman – Music Saved My Life

Aired Monday, April 6, 2020 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM GMT / 8:00 PM CET

Voice Rising Kara Johnstad OMTimes radio

Nietzsche said, “that which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Singer-songwriter, Sara Hartman knows all too well that truth-telling nakedness can take its toll. Yet isn’t it the darkness that gives birth to new stars? Join Voice Visionary Kara Johnstad and Sara Hartman in a heartfelt conversation on how our voice begs us to be honest with ourselves. Lean in as Sara shares her struggles and triumphs. Discover how she learned to weave them into song and use songwriting as a path to healing. Sara’s new single, Girl, was released in the midst of the Berlin shut down on March 20, 2020, and is the perfect antidote to these tender harsh times.

About Sara Hartman

Sara-Hartman_Voice-Rising_OMTimes-RadioSara Hartman is a singer and songwriter raised in Sag Harbor, NY. In 2015 she relocated to Berlin Germany at the age of 19 to pursue a career in Pop. Sara worked with producer Tobias Kuhn on the songs she released. It is quite apparent moving to the flourishing city had a lasting effect on her. There is a theme of melancholy yet wide-eyed exploration and hope in the music she released while working with Universal Germany. She worked with and toured with many artists including Clueso, Ellie Goulding, X Ambassadors, MS MR, Kelvin Jones, Family of the year and many more. Hartman played shows on stages big and small all around Europe and North America and appeared on TV shows in Germany such as Zdf Bauhaus, Kikas Dein Song, and ARD Morgen Magazin.

After 3 years of writing, recording and touring she disappeared…Now in 2020 Hartman is making her return. She has taken all she has experienced and crafted it into a new batch of songs that have reached a new emotional depth and are as raw as they come. Her mission statement of making songs you can dance or cry to (depending on your mood) doesn’t seem to have changed, yet the story seems to have gotten quite a bit darker. WHAT HAPPENED TO SARA HARTMAN?

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