Transformation 101: Our Limiting Stories

Written by on March 24, 2020

Transformation 101: Our Limiting Stories

Aired Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST

Decide To Transform Tomás Garza OMTimes radio

We would all love to say that it’s untrue, but we limit ourselves. Whether in blatant ways or subtly, we get in our way as a matter of habit and keep ourselves stuck, frustrated, and unhappy. If for some reason we experience some joy and happiness, it does not last. Wouldn’t you like to make it last? Wouldn’t you like your life to be a steady stream of abundance and miracles?

If you answered yes, I invite you to join me this week as we continue the mini-series Transformation 101 with a deeper examination of our limiting stories. Listening to them keeps us stuck.

There are many limiting stories that we tell ourselves. We might say, for example, “I’m too old.” Similarly, we might say that something we really want “just isn’t for me” or that “I don’t have time.” There are as many limiting stories as there are people; I am just naming a few of them here.

Every limiting story is a manifestation of fear. It is fear that keeps you stuck when deep-down you crave a new, transformed reality. Without a decision to change—to transform—these liming stories will sound convincing to you and any changes you do make will be short-lived. You will dabble, you will struggle, and you will come no closer to your stated goal, whatever that may be. Decide to recognize the limiting stories you are telling yourself, then commit to moving beyond them.

During the show I will relate some personal examples of how I used liming stories to keep myself stuck and miserable. Seriously, this has happened to all of us! Also enjoy the answers to some hard-hitting listener questions and a short guided meditation on moving past a limiting story for greater mental flexibility and freedom, also peace, abundance, and a life of harmony and flow.

Here is the best thing about your limiting stories: they are not true.

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#Transformation101 #OurLimitingStories #TomásGarza #DecideToTransform #SelfGrowth

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