Jill Mattson – Frequencies for Defense

Written by on April 6, 2020

Jill Mattson – Frequencies for Defense

Aired Monday, April 13, 2020 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM GMT / 8:00 PM CET

Voice Rising Kara Johnstad OMTimes radio

Sound Healing techniques that have been used for growth and enlightenment throughout the age. Join Voice Expert Kara Johnstad and author, musician and sound Healer Jill Mattson in a heartfelt conversation on the importance of sound healing. Can sound healing protect us from disease? Are there frequencies that aid us in protecting our Immune System against the Coronavirus? What role does our voice play in creating a balanced and harmonious body? It has been scientifically proven that frequency can help us to significantly reduce the severity of the disease by building up our immune systems.


About Jill Mattson

Jill Mattson, author, musician, and composer, seeks to further the use of sound in healing. She is committed to teaching techniques that enhance spiritual, mental and physical growth through vibratory energy, and encourages communication and the universal sharing of new information on Sound Healing around the world.

Jill combines her extensive research of modern Sound Healing with the 20+ year study of ancient civilizations and secret societies in her works. Discover a multitude of Ancient and Modern Techniques using Sound Energy and special Sound Healing Frequencies to achieve remarkable results. Realize Tomorrow’s Total Wellness Today!

Connect with Jill at https://www.jillswingsoflight.com/

Visit the Voice Rising show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/voice-rising/

Connect with Kara Johnstad at http://www.karajohnstad.com/

#JillMattson #FrequenciesForDefense #VoiceRising #KaraJohnstad

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