Emerge To Your Next Level In Your Business!
Written by OMTimes Radio on July 21, 2020
Emerge To Your Next Level In Your Business!
Air Date: Tuesday, 28 July 2020 at 12:00 PM ET/9:00 AM PT
If you’re a coach, entrepreneur, or leader who is ready to EMERGE with your soul driven mission, then tomorrow’s podcast episode is for you to listen to!
I’m interviewing my good friend and my special guest, Abe Brown, a man a look up to because of his character, his ability to hold space and his incredible wealth of knowledge, in which he has the success that shows. He’s also incredibly humble.
Abe Brown is the Coach’s Coach, an Entrepreneur, Professional Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, and High-Performance Leadership Coach. He is also the President of the Certified Coaches Federation, which is one of the top Life and Executive Coaching organizations in the world, the President of the Healthy Wealthy and Wise Corporation, the CEO of Wellness Innovate Corp, and the CEO of Momentum Coaching.
Abe is also hosting an online summit, where we will dive in deeper into what he shares on this episode. I’m honored to be speaking on this summit about how to Grow Your Coaching Business as a Speaker.
Make sure you tune in to discover these 4 areas!
Join the EMERGE ONLINE SUMMIT HERE! https://lg114.isrefer.com/go/EMERGE/rfung/
Connect with Rosalyn:
Let’s stay Connected! I would love to hear your thoughts of this episode!
Facebook Business Page: Rosalyn Fung Coaching: Bold Sexy Warrior https://www.facebook.com/boldsexywarriors/
Instagram: @boldsexywarrior
Free Facebook Group: Magnetize & Monetize for Coaches, Healers & Entrepreneurs https://www.facebook.com/groups/soulgasmicwarriors/
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Visit the Activate Your Soulgasmic Business Show Page at https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/activate-your-soulgasmic-business
Connect with Rosalyn Fung on her website http://www.rosalynfung.com
#AbeBrown #EMERGE #Soulgasmic #Business #Monetize #PersonalDevelopment