Overcome Migraines Naturally – What’s Balance Got To Do With It with Susannah Juteau

Written by on July 27, 2020

Overcome Migraines Naturally – What’s Balance Got To Do With It with Susannah Juteau

Aired Monday, August 3, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST



Somewhat ironically, Susannah study of the brain seems to have foreshadowed her own health challenges, which resulted in a ten-hour brain surgery to remove a benign tumour the size of a ping pong ball.

Post- surgery, she struggled for years with her mindset, energy levels, and constant headaches.

Finally, after resigning from her job and moving to California, she began experimenting with therapeutic fasting. Sixteen weeks in, she was off her headache meds completely, back to her usual body weight,and energized like never before.


Susannah Juteau, M.Sc., RD, is a registered dietitian who specializes in headache nutrition. She has a bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience and a master’s in Nutrition and Dietetics from McGill University.

Today, she teaches others how to overcome their migraines naturally.

Connect with Susannah:




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#WhatsBalanceGotToDoWithIt? #SusannahJuteau #OvercomeMigrainesNaturally #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving

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