What Are You Pursuing During The Pandemic?

Written by on August 31, 2020

What Are You Pursuing During The Pandemic?

Aired Monday, September 7, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

Light On Living Lisa Berry OMTimes Radio

pursuing-pandemic_Light-on Living_OMTimes-RadioHave you put vacations, trips, adventures and exploration on hold during the pandemic?

It seems so many areas of our lives are getting the red light, but does it have to be that way?

Travel and tourism is such an attractive industry as the expectation to be shown a new world, way, and experience as well as be introduced to new cultures and communities are a desired outcome.

Meaningful travel experiences are about more than travelling afar , enjoying then returning. They are about creating an impact in how we feel about a new community, about deepening our commitment in how we show up in our current lives, and they offer us a way to expand our participation in being a part of leaving a legacy within an environment.

Travel is about being able to tell stories of our best and worst memories to open the hearts and imaginations of those who are about to venture next.

There are times in our lives when the borders of our options change. Accessibility might be restricted due to financial, health , or even our own belief in possibilities. My guest today is here to guide us and recommend some of the off the beaten path possibilities!!!

Suzanne knows how to find the places for every age , every budget and places that provide family friendly fun. As a fiction novel author and passionate hospitality and tourism host Suzanne is on a back packing mission to help people with their life map so they don’t miss out on any attractions along their path.

If you’ve been looking to enjoy a mini magical, natural, fill up your tea cup vacation Suzanne will be sharing about #Lake George and the sites It has to offer.

Journey with us today at 12pm noon ET on Light On Living, OMTimes Radio.

About Suzanne

Suzanne-LaVoie-Sammon_Light-on-Living-OMTimes-RadioSuzanne LaVoie Sammon is a seasoned writer and traveler filled with a huge zest for her craft and life. She has served in multiple diverse industries, but her passion is for hospitality and tourism. Suzanne launched her first solo book(Knight Shift) in 2017 and is the first of a fiction series which was inspired by her personal and professional experiences (hospitality). The setting takes place in Suzanne’s favorite travel destination, Lake George, in upstate New York. Additional literary achievements include being a contributing chapter author for three compilations, including “Unsung Heroes: Deconstructing Suicide through Stories of Triumph”, “What’s Self-Love Got to Do with It?”, and “Your Shift Matters: Resistance to Resilience”. Suzanne has also contributed articles as a guest blogger for multiple digital magazines and websites, especially for travel and tourism. Suzanne serves in both traditional and freelance sectors. She continually volunteers in her community and virtually supports small businesses (especially within the travel and tourism industry) by sharing and promoting them on her social media platform, particularly throughout the pandemic. She has been a public speaker at various venues (both in-person and online). Suzanne’s passion and love for hospitality and tourism has called her to create her own online venture, which will be launched in early fall of 2020.

Visit the Light on Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/light-on-living/

Connect with Lisa Berry at http://www.lightonliving.com/

#Pandemic #SuzanneLaVoieSammon #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving

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