Can Things Really Change In As Little As Two-Minutes?

Written by on August 28, 2020

Can Things Really Change In As Little As Two-Minutes?

Aired Friday, September 4, 2020 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

The Autoimmune Hour with Sharon Sayler OMTimes Radio

Has your ability to power through ‘all-this’ been squelched? Are you feeling stressed, tired, and maybe even fearful of ‘what next?’ You’re not alone; that’s why I invite back to the show Tamara Green and David Dachinger of back to the show…

What if you could calm down, refocus, and quell anxiety in as little as two minutes? Think about everything that would change if you could:
• Sleep better and focus more
• Not let anxiety rule your decisions
• Have more time for what’s important
• Let go of stress and angst effortlessly
• Vanquish fear and come from love and more…

About our Guests:

In 2013, David Dachinger and Tamara Green heard the six words that changed everything… “David, you have stage IV cancer!” Choosing to focus on the gifts rather than the difficulties, they stayed calm, grateful, and even optimistic, with David avoiding severe health complications from his treatment.

David’s results sparked his oncologist to ask what they were doing to remain so upbeat. “Whatever it is,” he said, “I want that for all of my patients and families!” It was a ‘light-bulb moment,’ and Loving Meditations was born.

Learn more about their One Minute to Calm activations for you to quickly shift into greater peace during daily stress or significant challenges at Loving

And listen to our time together, including an original 2-minute meditation first on September 4th at 7PM ET.

The information provided on, Life, and The Autoimmune Hour is for educational purposes only.

Visit the Autoimmune Hour show page

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#DavidDachinger #TamaraGreen #Health #TheAutoimmuneHour #SharonSayler

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