Launch of The Flow of Enlightenment – I Know You Are But What Am I?
Written by OMTimes Radio on September 29, 2020
Launch of The Flow of Enlightenment – I Know You Are But What Am I?
Air Date 06 October 2020 at 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT
I know you are but what am I?
Perhaps a 7-year old’s playground comeback holds a deeper meaning than most adults might think.
I am none of those things, declares the child’s unconditioned mind as they carry on with their imaginary play.
How do we know we are not something, while still exploring who and what we are?
Today we will discuss if it’s possible to answer the question: Who am I?
Where do our thoughts about ourselves come from? Is how we behave our true nature or have we been programmed and conditioned?
I’ll be sitting down with Master Spiritual Teacher GP Walsh to discuss our ability to choose what we believe and if it’s possible to identify what’s not true about who we think we are and change it.
I’m like rubber, you’re like glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!
What thoughts about yourself would you want to be like rubber so that they bounce off and which thoughts would you want to be like glue so that they stick?
Improving the quality of your life and its experiences can be done by exploring the question: Who am I?
Join us in The Flow of Enlightenment for a transformation.
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