Mimi Nicklin – Softening the Edge

Written by on September 9, 2020

Mimi Nicklin – Softening the Edge

Aired Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST

Victor Fuhrman Destination Unlimited OMTimes Radio

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Technology and advances in the way we connect with one another, originally thought of as exciting new channels of communication, seem to have led to more isolation. We now spend more time on a screen than we do sleeping. We are more connected than ever before, and yet we are suffering with the highest levels of loneliness in history–coupled with anxiety and depression. Add the challenges of physical separation mandated by the COVID-19 pandemic and we have the recipe for a world in which empathy and compassion may ultimately be the gifts of a bygone era. Is there a way that we may turn this around? How may empathy be restored in our homes, businesses, government, nation and world? How may the younger generations who will be assuming future leadership reconnect and embrace empathy and compassion?


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My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Mimi Nicklin, says that by “Softening the Edge” we may restore empathy as a trait of understanding and compassion. Mimi Nicklin is an author and the host of the “Empathy for Breakfast” breakfast show as well as the “Secrets of The Gap” podcast. She is an experienced marketer and communications specialist, a well-known empathetic leader, and the Creative Officer and Regional Managing Director for a global advertising agency. For more than fifteen years she has been working across the globe with her clients to drive stand out creative interventions that lead to business and culture change. Having lived and worked in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Dubai, Mimi’s approach changes organizations from the inside out, focusing on cultural, behavioral and mindset change. She is a natural coach, writer and creative mind, and has held roles as diverse as Strategic Director, Vice President and Creative Officer in some of the world’s leading advertising agencies. Her passion for balancing humanism with capitalism drives her commitment to leading the practice of Regenerative and Empathetic leadership, as well as her ‘principles of people’, into organizations and communities worldwide. Her website is https://www.miminicklin.com/ and she joins me this week to discuss her just published book, SOFTENING THE EDGE: How Humanity’s Oldest Leadership Trait Is Changing Our World.

Visit the Destination Unlimited show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/destination-unlimited/

Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

#MimiNicklin #SofteningTheEdge #VictorFuhrman #DestinationUnlimited

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