Steve Bhaerman – Signs of the Upwising

Written by on October 6, 2020

Steve Bhaerman – Signs of the Upwising

What I Learned From Three Years Doing Wiki Politiki Radio

Aired Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM EST

Wiki Politiki Radio Show Steve Bhaerman OMTimes Radio

Interview with … Myself!

“Revolutionary uprisings just keep us on the wheel, going around in circles. We need an EVOLUTIONARY UPWISING to overgrow the current system.”
— Swami Beyondananda

Steve-Bhaerman_Wiki-Politiki_OMTimes-RadioHard to believe that it’s nearly three years since I did my first interview with cellular biologist Bruce Lipton to launch Wiki Politiki Radio. Our interview, about conscious evolution as our alternative to mass extinction is even more relevant today than it was then.

The current administration has brought us closer to our own species topping the Endangered Species list, as it makes its great leap backward toward feudalism. On the other hand, the best the Democrats can promise is that they are NOT Donald Trump. Their corporate agenda, however, cloaked in nice-sounding language and representing the dominance of technology is leading us forward to a brave new world of … neo-feudalism.

Fortunately, there is an awakening happening on both sides, and a growing movement from the “sane and sacred center” that is calling on us to work together, to collaborate for the betterment of each and all. And yeah, that sounds like an ideal, but unless the ideal becomes the real deal, there will be no deal at all. It’s a clear-cut, binary choice – a life economy or a death economy, an awakening or a wake.

Today’s conversation is about the “signs of the upwising” – the cues and clues that we are indeed awakening, and I will be offering ideas for how we might awaken in time, and use our good will, our knowledge, our wisdom, and our technology to bring back the missing piece in government of, by and for the people – the people.

Yes, I will be talking to myself … and hopefully speaking to you in a way that informs, inspires and activates. Please join me this Tuesday, October 13th, 2-3 pm PT / 5-6 pm ET.

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