Amy Barroso – Using Colour To Enhance Your Life
Written by OMTimes Radio on December 14, 2020
How You Can and Are Already Using Colour To Enhance Your Life with Amy Barroso
Aired Monday, December 21, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST
It’s a Colourful Life and Amy has stepped into a fun role of teaching us how we can use colour in every area of our lives especially our careers!
Amy Barroso, Enchanted Graphic Artist Colour Sage, Author and founder and creator of United Colours of Design Magazine shares with us how the colours we’ve been choosing have been contributing and reflecting both our challenges and successes through out our lives.
Join us as Amy reveals the meaning and vibration of Colours and explains how colours can help uplift us in 2021!!
“We are opening a deeper conversation about colour and how it impacts our designs, art forms, mood and journey on this planet!” ~Amy Barroso
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