Your Numbers, Your Future with Glynis McCants

Written by on December 29, 2020

Your Numbers, Your Future with Glynis McCants

Aired Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life Carmen Harra OMTimes Radio

This week on Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life, Dr. Harra and renowned numerologist Glynis McCants interpret your future according to your birthday.

Every year around your birthday, the energy of your life shifts. That’s because a new personal year takes over and influences the course of events you’ll experience. The truth is that your divine code can reveal every element of your life: it can predict your purpose, your compatibility with another person, your greatest challenges, as well as the best time to make big changes. Globally, we just stepped into a new field of energy in 2021 and we’re all curious to find out what this year has in store for the world. What does this mean for you? Discover how your unique numbers are going to shape the year ahead. Dr. Harra and Glynis will take your calls and decode your destiny.

Tune in to Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life this Tuesday at 7pm ET to understand your numbers and your future.

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#GlynisMcCants #Numbers #Future #MiracleGuidance #CarmenHarra

Reader's opinions
  1. Tiffany Finnegan   On   August 3, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    Would love if you can address any karmic debt numbers too! My DOB is 8/19/1978 and I’m a 16/7 life path and my 19 day of birth, lots of love challenges and hoping to heal it sooner rather than later 🙂. Thank you!

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