It’s Not Fair!
Written by OMTimes Radio on January 26, 2021
It’s Not Fair!
Air Date: 2 February 2021 at 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT
It’s not fair – says the child who sees its sibling get more
It’s not fair -says the one with hands tied behind their back and unable to help the less fortunate
It’s not fair says the lover who’s heart is broken
It’s not fair says the mourning as they say goodbye to a dying loved one
It’s not fair, or is there something that I simply haven’t seen, understand, or could imagine to be possible and right?
The one who aligns with the ego suffers constant feeling of defeat as their endless attempts to balance the scale in their favour fail.
We think we’re coming from a place of seeing the whole picture and thinking it’s been painted wrong.
Is there a way to better understand the image , a way to accept and even love what we see and are experiencing?
How do we shift our perception so that judgements and fairness don’t consume us and influence how we make our choices?
Join us today on The Flow Of Enlightenment as Master Spiritual Teacher GP Walsh answers student Lisa Berry’s questions around fairness and wanting to play God when we already are.
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