Expanding Beyond Who You Thought You Were

Written by on February 18, 2021

Expanding Beyond Who You Thought You Were

Aired Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM EST

Sexy Mom Abundant Life Kathy Williams OMTimes Radio

We all have a story, in fact, many— about who we are and what is possible for us. Many of these stories limit us in ways that we’re not even aware of.

In today’s conversation, Kathy and guest Maggie Emerson will talk about peeling back the layers to get to the essence of you. We are mixing it up! Today Maggie will be interviewing Kathy to hear her insights, and what has created the most freedom from the old stories and limiting beliefs.

Maggie Emerson is a healer, intuitive life coach and earring designer. Her work is about connecting her clients back to themselves while igniting their joy and their intuition. She is known for her magic and her ability to spark light and joy wherever she goes.

Host Kathy Williams is a certified transformative coach, aka Supercoach, and helps clients awaken to the truth of who they truly are, beyond the old stories.

Connect with Kathy at http://www.meetkathywilliams.com/

Visit the Sexy Mom Abundant Life Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/sexy-mom-abundant-life/

#MaggieEmerson #SexyMomAbundantLife #KathyWilliams

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