Lovey Games – Hide n’ Seek

Written by on February 2, 2021

Lovey Games – Hide n’ Seek

The Valentine’s Day Show

Air Date: 9 February 2021 at 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT

Flow of Enlightenment GP Walsh Lisa Berry OMTimes Radio

There are few things in a human life that consume more attention and energy than romance!

It isn’t really romance per se we are so enamored with. It is a deep desire for intimacy, to be seen and still loved, to feel that juice of life and know that we are in fact living!

Yet few really find it. A temporary high, yes. A bit of physical pleasure, also yes. But genuine intimacy, soul connection, being seen as you actually are? Not very often.

You see to know true intimacy you have to risk it all. You have to risk one of the things that human beings don’t want to experience.


Now there is a very god reason for that. Deep in our primitive body there is the expectation that to be rejected (by the tribe, the pack, the group) means you die.

Primitively speaking that was literally true. Some critter rejected by the group was far more likely to end up dead shortly thereafter. Not to mention the need for touch, the absence of which can literally kill us or at least leave us in a very bad state.

Not wishing to risk rejection but also needing the companionship on all levels leads me (at long last) to the title of this email and this week’s show.

Lovey Games – Hide n’ Seek

It is a very complex dance we humans do. Trying to appear to someone in the way we think will most appeal to them.

But the problem is, in this game there is no winner, just two losers.

What do men want? What do women want?

They want you, the real unvarnished, raw and vulnerable you. But showing your vulnerability means walking past one of our deepest fears and that is what we will be discussing this week.

Playing Games When We Want the Real Thing

Hide n’ Seek ~ Come Here, Go Away ~ Clue (less) ~ Pac-Man (crunch, crunch)

We have all been trained skillfully into the art of hiding. The art of keeping ourselves invisible while at the same time trying to experience what our hearts desire and our bodies and souls need.

GP is going to ask you to play another familiar game Risk.

What if you took the risk to let yourself be seen, knowing full well that you could be totally rejected. (maybe even harshly) ?

But imagine the payoff when someone acknowledges you as you actually are.

Join Lisa and GP for “The Valentine’s Day Flow of Enlightenment Show” on OM Times Radio. Today at 1pm ET.

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