Are You Ready for Change?
Written by OMTimes Radio on April 13, 2021
Are You Ready for Change?
How to Evolve Your Mind and Transform Your Life
Aired Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST
This week on Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life, Dr. Harra and special guest Dr. Darren Weissman teach you how to change your life.
We all want to change our lives in some way: maybe you wish you could get a better job, find a new relationship, fix the problems in your family, or heal yourself of a certain disease. Any and all solutions become possible when you elevate your beliefs. Anyone who’s experienced physical or emotional pain will be comforted to know that there’s a highly effective, holistic way to restore the body, mind, and spirit. Within you, right now, is the ability to change the trajectory of your life, and Dr. Weissman will show you how. You’ll gain a new understanding of the cause of your pain and stress and learn a ground-breaking, 3-phase process that will help you achieve optimal health and a thriving life.
Tune in to Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life Tuesday at 7pm ET and get ready for your transformation.
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