Minette Riordan – Getting Creative to Create Wellness and Wellbeing

Written by on April 23, 2021

Minette Riordan – Getting Creative to Create Wellness and Wellbeing

Aired Friday, April 30, 2021 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

The Autoimmune Hour with Sharon Sayler OMTimes Radio

This week we welcome Dr. Minette Riordan, a modern-day Renaissance woman: artist, writer, entrepreneur, and advocate for creativity being essential to our well-being. Creativity is not just about making art. It’s a way of thinking and being. Dr. Minette is a creative catalyst and mentor for artists and creatives who fondly call her the “Unicorn Squirrel Wrangler.” Her clients appreciate her unique ability to help them manage their bright shiny idea syndrome, reduce stress, create well-being, and increase their productivity without getting bored or burnt out. As the creator of the Emerge Method™, she shares from her breakthrough transformational process that helps you heal your relationship with your Inner Artist so you can emerge as your most authentic and creative self. Just some of what Dr. Minette shares with us is ways to

• Turn your inner critic into an ally
• Discover how creativity can be a radical form of self-care
• Let go of pretty and focus on the play because creativity is not just about making art, it’s a way of being and so much more.

More about our Guest:

A favorite quote of mine from Minette Riordan Ph.D., is “When you own your artistry, you can change the world with your creative gifts and talents.” Dr. Minette is a popular speaker and has appeared on television, radio, and podcasts worldwide. She has built two successful businesses and worked with thousands of clients in her 20-year entrepreneurial career. She has published three books, including her bestseller ‘The Artful Marketer, ‘ and is currently working on her fourth book about the Emerge Method™.

Life took her by surprise in 2017 when people started asking her to buy her paintings. “I’m not an artist,” she said. That moment was a turning point in her life and her career. Since then, she has been selling art and teaching others to courageously own their artistry through her coaching, online programs, and live events. Learn more at http://minetteriordan.com/

The information provided on UnderstandingAutoimmune.com, Life InterruptedRadio.com, and The Autoimmune Hour is for educational purposes only. Share this link with family and friends: http://www.UnderstandingAutoimmune.com/DrMinette

Visit the Autoimmune Hour show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/autoimmune-hour/

Connect with Sharon Sayler at http://lifeinterruptedradio.com/

#MinetteRiordan #Wellness #Wellbeing #SharonSayler #AutoImmuneHour

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