Dire Predictions

Written by on May 11, 2021

Dire Predictions

Air Date: Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT

Flow of Enlightenment GP Walsh Lisa Berry OMTimes Radio

Every day we seem to think we can predict the future and it’s usually one of doom and gloom. We let our heads run into the future, usually in fear, of things that will never happen.

Many of those thoughts get through uncensored and they leave us with images that can leave us uncomfortable and not feeling very safe.

How do we feel safe living a life that we know will end ?

How do we prepare ourselves in a life that is so unpredictable?

How does knowing who we truly are shine light on the doom and gloom?

Can we influence our predictions so they aren’t so negative and stop living in fear?

In this unpredictable world do we gain control or simply drop the need for it by doing the self inquiry work?

Join Master Spiritual Teacher GP Walsh and Lisa Berry on The Flow Of Enlightenment as we stop Armageddon from happening in our minds. Tuesday May 18th at 1pm EST on OMTimes Radio.

Connect to The Flow of Enlightenment Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/flow-of-enlightenment

Connect with GP Walsh at http://GPWalsh.com

Connect with Lisa Berry at http://www.lightonliving.com/

#DirePredictions #FlowOfEnlightenment #GPWalsh #LisaBerry

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